How org chart software helps your business succeed
OrgPlus RealTime by Department
Traditional org charts are static documents that may not accurately depict the multidimensional and ever-changing nature of modern companies. Intelligent org charts take you beyond the boxes and lines, reshaping the organizational landscape while helping HR and management teams address challenges.
Human Resources
Keep track of important HR metrics, such as performance management, succession planning, attrition rates, workforce composition, etc.
Easily view key areas for controlling costs, such as time, and attendance data, retention and turnover, or customer service and support data.
View and track key sales performance metrics, quotas, pipeline opportunities, forecasts, and win/loss statistics. Fully customizable based on your specific business criteria.
Companies that use OrgPlus
Measuring your company’s performance is limitless…
Taking the pain out of budgeting and planning
Most companies go through a budgeting and planning exercise at least once a year. Although the process can differ based on company size, line of business or industry, at a minimum, most companies go through an annual process to estimate their revenue and expenses for the following year.
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Monitoring KPIs to improve business performance
KPIs are key metrics, such as “Sales per FTE” or “Customer Conversion Ratio,” that help an organization manage progress toward organizational goals. Although there are a number of standard KPIs that most organizations use to track performance, many companies choose to define their own KPIs to match their particular business challenges. Using KPIs and dashboards is the easiest way for an organization’s executive team to monitor vital organizational statistics.
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Getting results from your investment in learning management
Learning management is the unified process of managing employee capability growth and career development through focused learning. Successful, forward-looking enterprises transform their learning management functions from cost centers to key investments by closely linking training to key business objectives.
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